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Page Revision: 2011/06/02 22:21


The Order Details window has multiple panes for displaying a detailed history of your order. If multiple orders are selected then one Order Details window will be opened for each order. All available order detail is displayed. The columns will be the same as what are available for an Order Book. For a description of the columns see the Order Book Columns section. The detail displayed is just a snap shot at the time the window is open. You may need to refresh the information to be sure it reflects the latest state of your order.

Create by using the Order Details option of the Order Book Menu.

1Copy to ClipboardCopy data into the clipboard in order to paste it into any other document

2Excel ButtonSave trade details to an excel spreadsheet

3Trade HistoryLists any fill details for the order. Since an order can be filled at multiple prices you can review the volumes and prices of each individual fill.

4Trade Legsists any leg fill details for the order. This only applies to strategy orders where the exchange provides fill details for the individual legs of the strategy. For example a March-June spread would provide trade information for the strategy itself, plus it may provide the trade information for the individual March and June legs.

5Order HistoryDisplays the history of the order, from submission to completion, including details of any revisions, fills and pulls.

6Scroll BarMove scroll bar to view additional trade details.

7Refresh Trade InformationThe Order Detail window does not update dynamically so if the order has changed since the window was opened then you need to click Refresh to see the most recent details.

8Close WindowCloses the Order Detail window.

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